
Lilies and Roses “Arielle”


A festive bouquet, rich in contrasts and vivacity. The white lilies, create a beautiful contrast with the roses, fuchsia and peach. Two completely different flowers that, once combined, create an original harmony. This bouquet is perfect to send for a birthday, an occasion to celebrate or simply as a greeting.

Fioraio consegna fiori a Verona.

Delivery in Verona guaranteed on chosen day. Buy directly from the florist!
To order choose the size and click “Add to basket”:


Message card and gift arrangement are included in the price.

On the next page you can insert all delivery data. To guarantee delivery please insert all correct and complete data. The service covers the whole Verona city, for other locations please contact us.

Each bouquet is created by hand by the florist with fresh seasonal flowers and may differ slightly from the photo. In case of exhaustion some flowers can be replaced with similar flowers of equal or higher value, without altering the effect. The bouquet in the photo corresponds to the “large” size. Glass vase is not included in the price.

Città dei fiori uses only fresh quality flowers, buy directly on our site without intermediaries! We guarantee delivery in Verona on the requested day, even same day delivery.

For any information we are at your disposal! Click here.